All systems go at this point! I started by re-reading the brief to get a better understanding of what was requested. The brief stated to create an unconventional advertising campaign, with a maverick, cheeky and original tone of voice to reinstate the body shops pioneering with ethical beauty.
I am going to approach this with a great deal of research, this is because it will help me understand the company fully and what they want, and also research is an area I stated needed improving in my unit 7 reflective statement. Firstly I will be looking into the background of the company and its founders, then into the advertising history and competitors, this will then be followed by unconventional and guerilla advertising research, in order to get a better understanding of whats expected.
One of the primary sources of research organised, was interview the managers of the body shop and their main competitors lush, both of which were very helpful toward my research.
During the next week I will be getting my sketchbook up to date with my research and idea generating and developing.
Below are some of the images i found while researching past the body shop advertisements.